How Do I Become A Sipesville Volunteer Firefighter or a Social Member?


On December 7th, 1736 Benjamin Franklin started the first fire department in the United States, and it just happened to be a volunteer fire department!  This department, the Union Fire Company, in Philadelphia spawn a honorable American tradition of serving the community that still lives today all over the United States and right here in Lincoln Township, Sipesville, PA.  

Being a firefighter in the United States of America, be it career or volunteer, is one of the most rewarding but yet physically and mentally demanding professions you can hold as a civilian.  Sipesville Volunteer Firefighters, as all other firefighters, face dangerous incidents on a regular basis, we our loved by the community, and are ready 24-7 no matter what we are doing with our families we will come to the aid of our community when in need.  We sacrifice many holiday dinners, and family events when someone dials 911 in our community and is in need of our help!

Are you ready to support your community? If you're willing to put in the time and effort, then Sipesville Volunteer Fire Company (VFC) is ready for you to serve. Below you'll find resources and frequently asked questions about becoming a volunteer, as well as the first basic steps you might take toward volunteering.

1. Make sure you're ready to commit. 

Making the decision to become a volunteer firefighter should not be taken lightly. It requires hundreds of hours of training and a strong commitment to service.

2. Give us a call at 814-445-4899

Ask to speak with an officer. Tell him or her that you're interested in becoming a volunteer and ask for a tour of the facility.

4. Once you've ready you will need to complete our application and background check process.

5. Once accepted into the company, we will start your training program.  

Training requirements will vary, pending on your activity as a firefighter (i.e. Interior, Exterior, Driver/Operator, and Rescue).

Frequently Asked Questions:

What qualifications do I need to become a volunteer firefighter?

Minimal age for volunteering at Sipesville VFC is 14 years-of-age.  Must have a clean record.

What is the first step to volunteering? 

Contact Sipesville VFC and express your interest in joining.

Do volunteer firefighters get paid?

Volunteer firefighters do not get paid.  We are a dedicated team of men and women that seeking to support our community in its time of need.  We base our decision to server on Tradition, Honor, Integrity, Dedication and the desire to inspire to be more than the average person!

Should I start physical training before applying to volunteer?

Yes, a training program will likely help you achieve the physical standards required to meet the demands as a firefighter. Seek a physician s advice and approval prior to starting any workout program.

Can a volunteer position lead to a career in firefighting?

Yes. Volunteering is one of the best ways to get the necessary training and experience to be an attractive candidate for a career firefighting position.

Can I become a volunteer EMT at my local fire department? 

Maybe  This additional training will be based on your dedication to the company.

How many hours do volunteer firefighters work? 

Sipesville VFC is operated on 100% of donations and fundraising, and thus your support whenever possible is appreciated to support the needed income.  This income maintains the equipment, pays for your training and to keep the lights on! There is a minimum requirement to meet yearly voting requirements, such as All members shall be required to attend 33S! % of the regular business meetings or a combination of meetings, fire calls and training / fundraisers that will equal 33S! %

Social Member

Social members at Sipesville Volunteer Fire Company (VFC), help support the needed income to maintain the resources needed to provide fire service in the community.  As a social member, your dedication and support in helping with fundraising events goes directly to supporting the community, by maintaining equipment, building maintenance and training of the men and women firefighters of Sipesville VFC.Your dedication to supporting the fire company is an honorable and rewarding activity that never goes unnoticed.

Sipesville VFC Social Members supports and supplements resource-constrained fire activities through the use of volunteering for non-operational activities, allowing fire first responders to focus their efforts on the most critical, life-threatening situations.

Everyone can do something to support their local fire service! Here are some ideas of much needed help that can be provided at Sipesville VFC: fundraising, recruitment activities, logistics, bookkeeping, secretarial activities, development of department websites, grant writing, writing informative newsletters or brochures, fire prevention activities, station maintenance, cleaning fire apparatus, and community preparedness activities.

Sipesville VFC Social members have the opportunity to give back to their communities through the hours they volunteer. They will gain invaluable insights into our volunteer fire service and how it works. The company will strive to match your skills with our needs.

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